Thursday, April 2, 2009

Crashing Easy Street

Alright, it's a little late, but I thought I'd post about Easy Street .  

The robot and I accidentally crashed their Grand Opening (according to the girl outside) and I have a few observations, particularly about plumbing but of course at an overall high-level as well. 

As you Richmonders know, ES has been closed for some time, and wild speculation about "becoming an Applebee's" has spawned as a result* and other such wild internetty notions.  You may also know that things in Richmond take on average about three times longer than anywhere else in the world (per the robot, and I tend to agree to a point.)

In summary I'm here to tell you this:  Easy Street is back and better than ever.  There's still a swag of art-deco going on, and that's a good thing because frankly, I miss the whole 3rd Street Diner schtick from my college days, so any arty throwback motif (short of Silver Diner abhorrence) is bound to get my interest at some level. 

Anyway... all intoxiation aside... the song stuck in my head.  I discovered it on a Paste Magazine CD some time back and it always puts a strut in my step, not unlike the resulting mood after visiting neo-Easy Street. 

Oh yes, the plumbing.  Val Catrow at RVAnews suggested blogging about the state of affairs on the bathroom/plumbing front, and it so happens that the robot is a plumbing and construction expert.  (The first rule of plumbing, by the way, is "s--- flows downhill.)  I screened the bathroom and he followed up... we consulted a couple of lovely ladies about the other facilities:  our conclusions?   Well.  Let's see... things have been updated since prior-Easy Street x.x but there is just a little bit of followup in terms of trim and such that needs to be completed... but I mean, really, this was the unofficial Grand Opening as far as we understood/were concerned so I move that we let things slide. 

Fun times, fun place, and I'm pretty psyched to see the doors back open, in summary.

Now:   the song stuck in my head. 

I'm going to go with a deep cut:  Strawberry Street by some woman I'm about to Google that I heard on a Paste Magazine soundtrack.  It gets me in a bouncy Richmond sort of mood, which about sums up my current mindset.  I'll post the artist and lyrics when I have time to dig for them.  

In the meantime, Strawberry Fields Forever will have to do.  You know the artist.  Hint:  it's not the Rolling Stones.

Thank you Good Lord for showing us the path back to Easy Street, a place where we fan-side people all desparately need to go right about know (funk soul brothers/check it out now).

-ZtoTheM (look me up on as KtotheYtotheLOS!)

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