Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Gentle Readers........

er um Gentle, Singular Reader....

silence....crickets chirping.....more silence....

Oh well, Fellow Bloggers,

I intended a few days ago to begin a feature on the blog that would henceforth be called "Survey Sunday" (hold your applause until the end, please). But those good intentions were foiled by well-meaning family members, work brought home on the weekend (what was I thinking?), and "less-time-than-I-though-I-had," a phenomena that has plagued me thoughout my life.

So, these good intentions led me straight down the path that good intentions often lead.... and no new feature was launched on Sunday. (quit booing and hissing until I'm done!)

However, I am launching "Survey Sunday" on Monday and am hoping it has the same good reception that usually meets other late offerings... such as breakfast for dinner, which is a great favorite in our household. (I will save Trivia Tuesday for another, less harried week)

Let us commence with Survey Sunday, wherein I pose our readership with a question... and am most likely met with deafening silence... since we don't really have a readership.

A song stuck in your head can be called:

an Earworm (from the German Ohrwurm),
a Phonological loop (don't ask me),
a "repetune,"
an "aneurhythm,"
a "humbug" (get it? heh),

I'm not making these up! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earworm

It's a serious, medical problem according to an article on WebMD! Apparently these are the top ten songs that get stuck in our heads:

  1. Other. Everyone has his or her own worst earworm.
  2. Chili's "Baby Back Ribs" jingle.
  3. "Who Let the Dogs Out"
  4. "We Will Rock You"
  5. Kit-Kat candy-bar jingle ("Gimme a Break ...")
  6. "Mission Impossible" theme
  7. "YMCA"
  8. "Whoomp, There It Is"
  9. "The Lion Sleeps Tonight"
  10. "It's a Small World After All"

Some people choose to make fun of it:
Songs That Get Stuck In Your Head Collection!

But we know it's a reall affliction. So, tell me Gentle (lone, singular) Reader ( I know you're out there!), what songs get stuck in your head? and what do you do when that happens?


Jenny@867-5309 said...

Oh I forgot! The song that gets stuck in my head the MOST is the William Tell Overture.

Good Night!

Da Dun Da Dun, Da Dun Tun Tun
Da Dun Da Dun, Da Dun Tun Tun
Da Dun Da Dun, Da Dun Tun TUN!
Da DA! Da Dun Tun Tun!

Anonymous said...

Word up, girlfriend... you're a great writer. RVANEWS should totally hire you. Take it light!


Jenny@867-5309 said...

ZM, Ish,

Seriously, what is your most viral earworm? 'Fess up.


Jenny@867-5309 said...


Kyle S said...

It's a Richmond news aggregator... just google the name and it will come up.